Perfectionism and The Fawn Response to Stress and Trauma
The fawn response to stress and trauma involves a strong desire to please others, seek approval, and avoid conflict.
Find out how fawn responses connect with perfectionism, and get 6 tips on handling difficult situations with more flexibility.

Perfectionism and New Year’s Resolutions
Should you set a new year’s resolution?
Explore the pros and cons of setting new year’s resolutions with perfectionism. And get 5 tips for setting goals effectively, no matter the time of year.

Have Trouble Accepting Compliments? Compliments & Perfectionism
How do you feel when somebody compliments you?
Do you appreciate the recognition? Or get super uncomfortable?
Four reasons why compliments are so challenging with perfectionism.

Never Good Enough: Core Beliefs and Perfectionism
Perfectionism is informed by a core belief that you’re not worthy or valuable, just as you are.
Learn more about the deep-seated belief of “never good enough” and the role it plays in perfectionism. And get 4 practices to help with uprooting this core belief

The Vicious Cycle of Avoidance & Procrastination
When perfectionism leads to avoidance, and avoidance feeds back into perfectionism.
Understand how perfectionism and avoidance create a vicious cycle that holds us back from getting things done.

How All-or-Nothing Thoughts Lead to Procrastination
All-or-nothing thinking is common with perfectionism. But it’s a huge barrier to getting things done.
Understand how all-or-nothing thinking leads to procrastination, and get 4 tips for resisting these unhelpful thoughts

How Perfectionism Impairs Decision Making: 6 Tips for Making Effective Decisions
Perfectionism can be a huge obstacle for decision making.
Here are 7 ways perfectionism impairs decision making, and 6 tips for making more effective decisions

Perfectionism & Trauma: Be Perfect, Stay Safe?
For some people, perfectionism is be a trauma response. A learned coping strategy that’s served them well in the past.
Get a better understanding of the links between perfectionism and trauma, along with 5 avenues for working through these issues

7 Ways Perfectionism Can Impact Counselling
The same issues that bring us to therapy often show up WITHIN therapy.
Here are 7 examples of how perfectionism can show up in counselling, and some ideas on working through them.

When Routines Become a Trap for Perfectionism
Perfectionism can quickly turn general routines into all-or-nothing, must-do-at-all-costs rules.
Here are 4 challenges that can come up when routines meet perfectionism. And 6 tips for benefitting from routines while staying flexible.

Four Aspects of Perfectionism
There’s a difference between striving for excellence and perfectionism. And perfectionism has some pretty toxic parts.
Learn about 4 main aspects of perfectionism and how they could be impacting you.

My Perfectionism Stories: Paint Chips and Perfectionism
A stack of white paint chips.
That’s what got me caught up in perfectionism recently.

What is Perfectionism Costing You? How Perfectionism Can Negatively Impact 4 Key Areas of Your Life
Does perfectionism actually give us the results we want? And, if it does, at what cost?
Here are some of the negative consequences of perfectionism.

Six Attributes of Self-Compassion
Self-compassion is a powerful antidote to the self-criticism that often comes with perfectionism.
Key to self compassion is being able to identify and meet your own needs at a given time. And staying flexible, since these needs can change over time, even from day to day.
In this article, I explore two domains and six attributes of self-compassion.
Which ways are going well for you? And what areas would you like to improve?

Perfectionism and Mental Health
Research on perfectionism and mental health definitely raises some red flags.
Perfectionism has been linked with increased rates of mental health concerns, particularly anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and eating disorders.
These studies are correlational, which means that we can’t say for sure that perfectionism directly causes mental health issues. But perfectionism has been identified as a potential risk factor.
In this article, I explore how perfectionism overlaps with several mental health concerns.

Self-Compassion: How to Give Yourself a Break
Whenever I mention self-compassion, people cringe. They visibly, physically cringe.
Clearly, there’s something about self-compassion that makes us uncomfortable!
Though self-criticism may be more familiar to us, it can have toxic effects on our well-being.
Learn more about the negative effects of self-criticism and how to get started with self-compassion.

Five Styles of Perfectionism and One Big Debate
Self-awareness is key when it comes to resisting perfectionism. We need to be able to notice and label perfectionism in action before we can step outside it.
In this article, I cover two approaches to defining perfectionism, adding up to five different styles.
What’s your style of perfectionism?

Hustle & Grind: How Productivity Can Take Over Self-Care
We put a ton of emphasis on hard work and productivity in our society. Many of us are taught from a young age that our self-worth is tied to what we achieve. To how successful we are, in the eyes of those around us.
Call it the cult of productivity, call it hustle culture, or call it capitalism. Whatever label we use, this emphasis on achievement may be negatively impacting our well-being.

Making a To-Do List & Checking it Twice: Perfectionism & the Holidays
There are lots of expectations associated with the holidays. After all, it’s supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year!
Yet many people find that perfectionism increases leading up to the holiday season.
Read on for five tips for overcoming holiday perfectionism.