Counselling for Anxiety
Perhaps other people see you as someone who has it all together, but inside you feel like you’re falling apart. Your mind goes to the worst possible outcome in any situation. To the millions of things that could go wrong. You feel thrown off by new or unexpected experiences. You like to know exactly how things will play out ahead of time.
Sometimes it’s easy to tell what’s on your mind. Maybe you’re worried about something specific, like driving, meeting new people, giving a presentation, or doing well at work. But sometimes you feel nervous for what seems like no good reason. Even when you’re doing things you’ve done a million times before.
You often notice yourself dwelling on the past, second-guessing all your choices both big and small. Or maybe you feel caught up in worries about the future, trying to anticipate every possible outcome and asking endless “what if” questions: “What if I lose my job? What if my partner leaves me? What if I get sick? What if I embarrass myself?”
What is Anxiety?
People who live with anxiety experience intense fears and worries. They may worry about many different things, such as their health, their loved ones, their job, or the state of the world. Or they may struggle with fears about a specific object or situation (e.g., spiders, heights, flying, getting a needle, going to the dentist).
Anxiety also has physical symptoms, including:
Feeling restless or on edge
Muscle tension
Sleep problems
Digestive issues (e.g., stomach aches)
Racing heart rate or shortness of breath
Chest pain
Sweating or feeling flushed
Shaking or trembling
Some experiences of anxiety are normal and functional. It's normal to feel anxious about a big exam. Or to worry about a loved one who's facing a health crisis.
Anxiety becomes a problem when your worries are excessive, persistent, and difficult to control.
For some people, anxiety interferes with their everyday lives, such as how they do at work or how they get along with others. People may avoid doing things because of their fears. Perhaps they stop driving because they’re worried about causing an accident, avoid seeing friends because they’re afraid of saying the wrong thing, or put off starting a new project because they don’t want to mess up.
When anxiety is an issue, even day-to-day tasks can feel overwhelming.
You’re Not Alone
Anxiety is the most common mental health concern among adults and teens. In one recent survey, 18% of Canadians aged 15 and up reported experiencing moderate to severe symptoms of anxiety.
So if you or a loved one is struggling with anxiety, you’re not alone.
Counselling for Anxiety
Imagine what it would feel like to be at peace with yourself. To enjoy the present moment, without dwelling on the past or fearing the future. To have a sense of certainty about your decisions and how you relate to others. To have the confidence to try new things, even if that means making some mistakes. And to develop new strategies for coping with all your (normal, human) emotions - including fear, anger, and sadness.
We’re experienced in helping people who feel trapped by anxiety. We’ll begin by looking at how fears and worries are affecting your life, such as your work and relationships. We can help you build skills for challenging worries, exploring new ways of thinking, and focusing on the present moment. We can also support you in facing your fears in a safe and gradual manner.
Schedule Your Free Call
Schedule your free 20-minute phone call today to get started. If reaching out is challenging right now, we offer an online booking system. Schedule a time that works for you, and we’ll give you a call then.
Articles on Anxiety
Is Anxiety an Issue? 5 Things to Consider
Anxious about Conflict? How to Have Difficult Conversations
10 Strategies for Working Through Relationship Anxiety
Are You Sure? Seeking Reassurance to Cope With Anxiety
Sick with Worry: Health Anxiety
5 Tips for Taming Driving Anxiety
Worried & Withdrawn: The Relationship between Anxiety & Depression
More Resources on Anxiety
Canadian Association for Mental Health