Never Good Enough: Core Beliefs and Perfectionism
Perfectionism is informed by a core belief that you’re not worthy or valuable, just as you are.
Learn more about the deep-seated belief of “never good enough” and the role it plays in perfectionism. And get 4 practices to help with uprooting this core belief

“I Should Be Grateful”: When Gratitude Becomes Self-Criticism
Embracing gratitude can be a powerful strategy for getting through tough times and creating a meaningful life.
But there are also ways that gratitude can be misused to invalidate our emotions and feed self-criticism.
Explore how to practice gratitude in a balanced way, so you can hopefully reap the benefits while avoiding some common pitfalls.

Six Attributes of Self-Compassion
Self-compassion is a powerful antidote to the self-criticism that often comes with perfectionism.
Key to self compassion is being able to identify and meet your own needs at a given time. And staying flexible, since these needs can change over time, even from day to day.
In this article, I explore two domains and six attributes of self-compassion.
Which ways are going well for you? And what areas would you like to improve?

Self-Compassion: How to Give Yourself a Break
Whenever I mention self-compassion, people cringe. They visibly, physically cringe.
Clearly, there’s something about self-compassion that makes us uncomfortable!
Though self-criticism may be more familiar to us, it can have toxic effects on our well-being.
Learn more about the negative effects of self-criticism and how to get started with self-compassion.