Woman using laptop for video counselling

Video Counselling

It can be hard to fit counselling into your busy schedule. Enjoy the flexibility of online counselling by meeting from work or home using a secure video platform.

Benefits of Video Counselling

Video counselling has many benefits, starting with the convenience. You can attend sessions from the comfort and safety of your own home. Video counselling saves you time, because you don’t have to travel back and forth to my office. And no need to worry about bad weather or transportation issues.

You can also schedule counselling more easily around the other things in your life, like meeting on your lunch break or after you put your kids to bed.

Video counselling allows you to attend sessions even when you’re staying home or self-isolating due to COVID-19.

Drawbacks of Video Counselling

There can be some downsides to online counselling as well. Video technology can sometimes lag or fail. Some people find it distracting to meet from home instead of coming to an office setting. Especially if there are other people around when you’re in session. Or perhaps you don’t have a safe space to meet from, where your privacy will be respected. I offer both in-person and video counselling sessions, so you can choose what works best for you.

Is Video Counselling Right for You?

Research on video counselling suggests that it’s just as effective as in-person counselling for many people.

Online therapy may work for you if:

  • You’re comfortable with video technology

  • You have a reliable internet connection

  • You have a safe, quiet, and private space to meet from

  • You’re interested in the convenience and flexibility of online counselling

Schedule Your Free Call

Whether video counselling is a good fit for you will also depend on what issues you’re dealing with. If you want to learn more about online therapy, book your free 20-minute phone call today.

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